De 28 /09 a 04/10 em parceria com o Consulado da Noruega o Brasil desembarca representado por Nelcirlan Oliveira e Raniere Dias, boa sorte rapazes!
Os tijolos serão reciclados de Expo Morrinho em Veneza com o auxilio do curador Charlie Wattens.
Em breve fotos da maquete.
Boa viagem!!!
Yet another European country conquered! Programmed will be workshops, debates, and role-playing of Morrinho. From September 28 to October 10, in partnership with the Norwegian Consulate, Nelcirlan Oliveira and Raniere Dias will be representing Brazil. Good luck guys!
The bricks will be reused from Expo Morrinho in London and with the help of curator Charlie Wattens.
Photos soon to come!
Buon voyage!
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